Monday, March 12, 2007

Knowing the Depths of Me :: Week 3

March 7, 2007

Verses: John 5:24; Romans 8:1; 2 Cor 5:21; Eph 1:6; Exodus 24:7; Deut. 8:1, 6-8; Luke 22:20; Heb 9:15; Galatians 2:19-21; Romans 7:4-6; Ezekial 36:26-27; Hebrews 10:16; Galatians 3:21-26

This week we learned about Law and Grace, and the incredible effect they have on our lives and on our identity.

We learned that acceptance is being welcomed and received without fear of ever being judged, criticized, or rejected. As Christians, we have this acceptance from Christ - though we do not deserve it, in mercy He gives us His acceptance and approval. This is GRACE.

Unfortunately, we do not always embrace this Grace. There are two systems we live under: the Law System, and the Grace System.

The Law System says:
"I have to prove myself in order to be acceptable." - DO to BE.

The Grace System says:
"God has extended to me acceptability." - BE to DO.

The Law is useful, as it motivates us to realize our need for Jesus and salvation. However, if we live under the law system as Christians, we live under the weight of standards and expectations that were met by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Law is the Old Covenant, Grace is the New Covenant. In GRACE we have FREEDOM!

Remember -- disappointment is what happens when we feel the failure to meet the expectations of someone else. This can send us on a roller coaster of emotions that will end in self destruction as we constantly try to meet everyone's expectations and live up to unreachable standards. The TRUTH we must cling to here, is that your life is not a roller coaster based on how well you perform, because God has given you GRACE! God is NOT disappointed in you! Jesus died to give you freedom from expectations- freedom from the bondage of the Old Covenant (the Law System).

Students: re-read the verses from this week. Reflect on the TRUTH you find in God's word. Rest in His grace, believing that you have His acceptance. Your Heavenly Father has paid your price. His Grace covers ALL your faults! You do not have to DO anything to meet God's expectations, to gain His acceptance, or to make Him love you! Just abide in Him- just BE. He is so pleased by you, and so proud of you! You meet His expectations. You are accepted by Him! His love for you will NEVER change!

(if you missed Week 2 and would like the workbook, contact me [Ericka] and I’ll get you a copy!)

Knowing the Depths of Me :: Week 2

Feb. 28, 2007

Verses: Eph. 2:10; Isaiah 53:6; Gen. 2:16-17; Galatians 5:19-21a

This week we learned about flesh – living in and out of your own resources to make life work for you, instead of relying on the life of Christ within you!

We learned that just like Adam, we were born into the world with three God-given needs- to be loved, accepted, and significant. We often try to meet these needs by walking in the flesh (see above) instead of walking in the spirit (choosing to let the life of Christ be expressed through us by living in dependence on Him.) The TRUTH here is that ONLY GOD can meet those needs for love, acceptance, and worth!

We also learned that, in flesh, we allow our self-concept to be determined by the feedback of others. This feedback comes in the form of messages. Messages move us to feelings, and feelings become our belief system. For example- in a divorce situation where the Father leaves, the message to the child would be “Dad left us”. This would cause feelings of abandonment, rejection, and loneliness. The belief this child might then have is “I’m unwanted”.

Many of our beliefs are wrong, because we don’t interpret situations correctly. Then, we develop coping mechanisms (our flesh) to deal with our lives. The way we cope might be pride, being a “people- pleaser”, a need for control, self pity, denial, depression, escaping into friends/drugs/activities, or other emotions. (These are just a few examples.)

Instead of letting our “flesh” take over though, we must learn to give in to God’s grace and His truth in our lives! We must rest in His truth, and believe that only He can satisfy our needs for love, acceptance, and worth!

Students: reflect back on what God taught you through Week 2. Do you have questions? Did God reveal something to you? Is there a verse you really connected with? Share these revelations by making a “comment” here!

(If you missed Week 2 and would like the workbook, contact me [Ericka] and I’ll get you a copy!)

Knowing the Depths of Me :: Week 1

Feb. 21, 2007

This week we started the Grace Campus Ministries ( study “Knowing the Depths of Me”.

Verses: Ephesians 1:4-8; Colossians 1:15-16; Acts 17:24-25; Matthew 8:27; Matthew 17:21-23; John 15:4-10; 1 John 2:24-28; Hebrews 1:1-3

Our first week was focused on purpose. We learned that purpose is the object for which something exists, and we exist for God alone! Our purpose began before the foundation of the world, and our greatest purpose is not to serve, obey, or love the Lord, but to GLORIFY Him!

We learned that Jesus Christ brings God his highest glory, and that we glorify God by abiding in Him. Abiding is a condition or way of living in absolute dependence on God, that recognizes the life of Christ as the believer’s sovereign source of power and ability to meet all his/her needs. (John 15:4-10; 1 John 2:24-28). Our example of abiding was looking at a prism – it doesn’t DO anything… it just sits there and allows the light (Christ) to shine through it, revealing the light’s beauty into a dark world. This is the same in our lives—all we have to do is abide in Christ and let Him shine through us!

Students- reflect back on what God taught you through Week 1. Share these revelations by making a “comment” here!

(*If you missed Week 1 and would like the workbook, contact me and I’ll get you a copy!)